Welcome to LEMI
Leadership Education Mentoring Institute
Supporting Homeschooling Families and Communities for over 20 years!
Summer Training Early Bird Pricing in Effect until April 12th
Summer Training Early Bird Pricing in Effect until April 12th *
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LEMI-U Membership
Check out our Online Continuing Education Website - LEMI-U! We offer a free online course that is a great place to learn about LEMI and Leadership Education. Be sure to check out our events calendar, too! Membership is FREE
Leadership Education Mentoring Institute
Leadership Education Mentoring Institute
We are dedicated to promoting true educational and leadership principles that strengthen families, build communities, and provide opportunities for obtaining
a Leadership Education for families.
Scholar Projects prepare your child
Discover how the Scholar Projects
equip your child to navigate the present challenges and embrace the future, a time for growth and renewal.
Each of the following principles and topics can be your family's guiding light through future challenges, leading to a path where inner peace and unwavering confidence prevail.
study of human nature
leadership qualities
beauty of language
emotional control
scholar skills
Key of Liberty
purpose of government
world crisis and personal and family choices
war, pestilence, betrayal, statesmanship,
how to survive during difficult times
public virtue
what traits make a hero
cycles of history
Sword of Freedom &
Hero Project
purpose of government
world crisis and personal and family choices
war, pestilence, betrayal, statesmanship,
how to survive during difficult times
public virtue
what traits make a hero
cycles of history
community inter-dependence
community stewardship
real estate ownership
hard work
Pyramid Project
a head's up into looking deeply at assumptions and challenging them when necessary
seeking truth amidst a world of full of opposing voices
understanding philosophy and propaganda
learning to step back and think before acting
Classical Acting
Gateway to the arts
Structure in Theater
Scholar-Led Mentorship
Transformative Experience
Quest 1 & 2
Develop Public Virtue
Learn about Diplomacy
Develop Leadership Skills
Learn about personal mission
Critical Thinking Skills
Study leaders of the past
Hone writing, thinking, and speaking skills
Quest 3
Dive deep into worldviews
Principles of good government
Comprehensive study
Understand better the world’s complexities
Communication skills
finding heroes that had your same mission
securing mentors who can prepare you for your mission
showing initiative and dedication to your unique purpose
submitting to your mentors and inner feelings of doing the right-next thing
Training for Adults
School Leadership Training
be a calming influence in a world full of commotion
keep your community of home schooling families strong and fluid, being able to adapt
be a multiplier, finding the best in the colleagues and families you serve
understand forms and the statesmanship matrix, seeing results of choices
create unity and lasting relationships of trust
Family Foundations
where is peace in a world of turmoil? Wherever you are, that's where.
create the order in your home that you yearn for
effectively mentor each of your children formally and informally
get on the same page with your spouse
finding balance and renewing your soul
don't just cope, rejuvenate
cement the vision for your family
live your mission
help your children grow their abilities and skills
have confidence you can gain knowledge in any subject of your choice as well as the liberal arts
Are you new to LEMI Scholar Projects? If you have yet to take one of our trainings, start here.
If you have taken some LEMI training previously, but are looking to branch out in your education, start here.
If you are an experienced LEMI Mentor looking to BRUSH-UP on a training you’ve already taken, find it here.
Browse these trainings if you are a youth mentor eager to share your LEMI education with your peers!

Contact Us
Email: RegisterLEMI@gmail.com
Monday - Friday: 10:30am - 4:30pm MST
Saturday - Sunday: Closed